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Hardware Hacking

Indoor vegetable grower which blends in with your living room

I had one main consideration on the end product – that it should blend in with the house, i.e. “it should look like part of the furniture”. I didn’t want some Heath Robinson arrangement sticking out like a sore thumb in the living room.

Continue reading Indoor vegetable grower which blends in with your living room

Hardware Hacking

Rainwater catcher – water your plants during those dry times.

One of the first things I did after buying my shiny new house here, was to purchase a 300 litre (roughly 79 US gallon) plastic tank from a local hardware store, and converted it to a rainwater storage tank.

Continue reading Rainwater catcher – water your plants during those dry times.


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Mobile users browsing this site will automatically be detected and the site will render in a mobile theme :D

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Tweaking the theme.

Bear with me as I tweak the appearance of the blog.

It seems the formatting of the blockquotes was lost when I changed the theme yesterday – I’ll fix that too.

I also plan to write an entry on how to disassemble the WZR soon.

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I had an incorrect port forwarding to my web server – probably for the last week or so – that prevented incoming traffic to it, one little missing digit in the port forwarding and the site disappears ;) Sorry about that.

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Hardware Hacking

Hacking around the Japanese Buffalo WZR-HP-G300NH

(2010-12-09 Now unstuck this page because I plan to overwrite with Openwrt – will publish a writeup about this).

UPDATE 2010-09-17 : look in comments for serial port pinouts… UPDATE 2010-10-02 : A reader of this site has discovered what to set in the environment variables which tells the Japanese firmware to accept ANY alternate

Continue reading Hacking around the Japanese Buffalo WZR-HP-G300NH


I Return!

The blog is back!

Had a horrific server crash which totalled the old blog. At least now I have a blank slate and all the previous cruft has been erased.

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