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Get audio with your xrdp/x11rdp connections, LAN or Remote! Updated! Windows Clients!

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Okay so I did a bit of research, and found a method of forwarding audio from your remote RDP Linux desktops.

The methods work for RDP connections on your local LAN, and also for connections to remote systems via ssh tunnels.

Here's how…

2012-04-19 Article Updated

Get audio with your xrdp/x11rdp connections, LAN or Remote! Updated! Windows Clients!

QuickTips : Stop apt downloading Translations Indexes

I’ve noticed that recently, Debian-based distributions seem to be attempting to download a bazillion Translations Indexes from their repositories. Most of the these attempts seem to be either ignored, or fail, and sometimes it even seems to slow down the update download itself, presumably because it takes time for the repository server to time out

Continue reading QuickTips : Stop apt downloading Translations Indexes

Get rid of Unity on fresh Ubuntu installation and customize to your liking

So you’ve downloaded and are installing the latest Ubuntu release (11.10 at time of writing), with a manic grin on your face as it’s promising all sorts of exciting stuff during the installation…


Looks cool





Oh the excitement!







Continue reading Get rid of Unity on fresh Ubuntu installation and customize to your liking

Install xrdp and X11rdp – the comprehensive HOWTO for Ubuntu and Debian based systems

Learn how to get the X11rdp binary up and running, for use with the xrdp package.

Continue reading Install xrdp and X11rdp – the comprehensive HOWTO for Ubuntu and Debian based systems