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xrdp authentication with Active Directory

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A couple of readers asked how they could get xrdp to authenticate with Active Directory.

Here's how…  ;)

Prerequisites I assume your xrdp server already has either the Likewise/Likewise-Open or as it's now known by,  PowerBroker Identity Services xrdp authentication with Active Directory

Get audio with your xrdp/x11rdp connections, LAN or Remote! Updated! Windows Clients!

Okay so I did a bit of research, and found a method of forwarding audio from your remote RDP Linux desktops.

The methods work for RDP connections on your local LAN, and also for connections to remote systems via ssh tunnels.

Here's how…

2012-04-19 Article Updated


Added a section for how

Continue reading Get audio with your xrdp/x11rdp connections, LAN or Remote! Updated! Windows Clients!

ssh – Secure your systems with ssh on Linux and puTTY on Windows – Part 1

This will be a multi-part series on SSH

This is Part 1

Say you have a workstation or server, safely sitting behind a firewall, but you need access, for example, to the shiny RDP service you installed not so long ago, and/or other services on that system.

You could easily forward the RDP

Continue reading ssh – Secure your systems with ssh on Linux and puTTY on Windows – Part 1