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2011 Seasons Greetings

To all site visitors:  Have A Cool Yule!

2011 has been a challenging year for me and mine…

  • We’ve had to deal with the Magnitude 9 quake in March – which was a bit of an adventure, I can assure you ;)
  • Then the radiation threat from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster. My house is just 33 miles due west of there – but luckily the radiation plume missed our location by about 4km, due to the wind direction at the time!
  • And at the end of July I lost my job as a Failure Analysis Engineer for a rather large American company that makes expensive networking equipment – they shut down the Japanese FA dept. I’ve been thinking how to get more income ever since – hence the advertising on this site (which I hope isn’t too invasive) and the donate button, to help keep the site up and running.

Apart from that everything’s been brilliant ;)


And here’s hoping 2012 will be slightly less exciting than 2011 for myself and for you all!

Best regards!

Kevin and family.

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