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My mission for 2012

So, a new year, new possibilities. Here’s my main missions for this year..

  • Become extremely fluent in Japanese – LIKE A BOSS.

I’ve been living in Japan for over 4 years now and to be truly honest, haven’t made near enough effort to learn the lingo. This has been my main stumbling block to progressing here. I became lazy because after moving here I managed to find a job in which English was a requirement, Japanese not so much. That was great, until late last year when the main company in the US closed the Japanese department down – bit of a blow especially after the magnitude 9 quake last March. Now I’m finding employers here don’t want to hire a foreigner who isn’t fluent in Japanese – and I can fully sympathize and understand their position – hey I live in their country, I should be able to freely communicate in their language!

  • Fully learn and become awesome at Android development

I have some quite good ideas for apps, and how I’d like to see other apps operating – things don;t work quite the way I’d like them to on my phone. I have an itch to scratch, and hey, I might even be able to make a living selling awesome apps ;)

  • Write more totally awesome articles and tutorials for this blog

I have lots more articles up my sleeve for this blog – some to do with Linux, some to do with Life, and more! I also need you to fill the suggestion box with what you’d like to see too – so don’t be lazy, jot some of your requests down at the Suggestion Box ;)

Take care and have a prosperous 2012!

So what’s your mission(s) for 2012?

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1 comment to My mission for 2012

  • Japanese and Android – that’s cool. Just don’t forget about Ubuntu!  For me – it’s ride my bike, create a cool site with grails, knockoutjs and heroku. Hey, that’s a Japanese word anyway…




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