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X11RDP-o-Matic Version 3.10 Released

Important note: If you have an issue with o-Matic, please visit the github page and file an issue there, at https://github.com/scarygliders/X11RDP-o-Matic/issues , as I have not been working on o-Matic for a long time now, but it is being actively maintained on Github.



X11RDP-o-Matic Version 3.10 Changes:

  • The --bleeding-edge switch has been removed, in favour of a new --branch switch.
  • Added new package requirements for compilation
  • Generated packages (.deb) will be named according to the chosen branch – see below for further information.
  • Previously generated .deb packages will be removed before compilation
  • You can now use the --help switch without being root
  • Script tidy-ups



There are a number of branches in the neutrinolabs xrdp git repo. Currently there is;

  • v0.6
  • v0.7
  • v0.8
  • master
  • devel

Branches beginning with “v” are stable, static versions.
The master branch gets continually updated from the devel branch, whenever the xrdp authors think that changes to the devel branch are good enough to be moved into the master branch.

The devel branch is the Bleeding Edge. If you choose to use this branch, things may not work properly, or compile, etc. So, use at your own risk.

By default, o-matic uses the master branch, if you do not specify the branch to use by utilising the --branch <branchname> switch when running o-matic.

sudo ./X11rdp-o-matic.sh --justdoit, will use the master branch.

sudo ./X11rdp-o-matic.sh --justdoit --branch v0.8 , will use the stable 0.8 version.

Debian package names

As mentioned in the change summary above, generated .deb package names will depend upon the branch chosen.

When the master branch is used, the resultant .deb package name will be xrdp_0.9.0+master-1_amd64.deb , on a 64-bit version of a Debian-based distribution.

If the devel branch is used, the package name would be xrdp_0.9.0+devel-1_amd64.deb

The “+master” or “+devel” part is now added so that you can distinguish which branch you chose when you invoked o-matic.

If you chose any of the “v” branches – for example, v0.8 – then the package name would be xrdp_0.8.0-1_amd64.deb

The “0.x.0” number for the master and devel branches is obtained from the version number that the xrdp authors have chosen for the new release that they are working on.

Obviously, your resultant debian package name will differ from the examples above, depending upon the CPU architecture your system is running on.


Use the HELP option…

Please do use the --help switch, as it will assist in running o-matic.

The help screen will also retrieve and display a list of the currently available branches.

See the X11RDP-o-Matic Information Page for full details.


 Your feedback is valuable and appreciated :)

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172 comments to X11RDP-o-Matic Version 3.10 Released

  • Bharath

    Hi Kevin

    First of all, I would like to thank you for this wonderful website.

    I am working on an Ubuntu 11.04 ( don’t ask – I am in the middle of migrating some old code to a newer version) . Anyway when I ran your script file, I ran into an error. The x11rdp source files were getting compiled correctly
    but for some reason, they were not being packaged into the deb file. More specifically I got an error saying

    ‘dpkg-deb: error: parsing file near line 2 package ‘x11rdp’: │ │ error in Version string ‘+master-1′: version number does not start with digit’

    After some digging into your code, I found the source of the error. The version number was not being set correctly. In order to get the version number, you use wget . More specifically this line

    wget -O $TMPFILE $README >& /dev/null

    did not download the file. Looking at the output of wget, I got this ‘ERROR: certificate common name `www.github.com’ doesn’t match requested host name `raw.githubusercontent.com’ . Apparently this
    certificate error occurs on some older versions of wget and is a known problem. (Refer – https://github.com/radical-cybertools/HT-BAC/issues/5) .

    The fix is simple , just add the --no-check-certificate option to wget. So ‘wget --no-check-certificate -O $TMPFILE $README >& /dev/null‘ works and downloads the text file. And the installation finishes perfectly.

    Not many people would be using Ubuntu 11.04 but I just wanted to mention it here in case some other lost soul finds it useful. Once again, kudos on such great work.

    VA:F [1.9.22_1171]
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    • Hi Barath,

      Awesome! Thank you for spending the effort to track this down and even post a fix on the blog :)

      I’ve pushed a change incorporating your fix to the devel repo.

      Best regards


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  • David Foster

    Where’s the download button?

    I keep following a tangle of links for the 3.x version but no actual download link is prominent.

    VA:F [1.9.22_1171]
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    • In this very article there is an instruction:

      See the X11RDP-o-Matic Information Page for full details.

      This points to the X11RDP-o-Matic Information page.

      On the X11RDP-o-Matic Information page, the information you desire is there, under the heading :

        How to get X11RDP-o-Matic


      The reason I do this, is because I believe that the users of O-Matic should know what they’re doing, and how O-Matic works, and what options to use, and so on. The download link is at the end.

      VN:F [1.9.22_1171]
      Rating: +3 (from 7 votes)
      • I honestly do not understand why one or two people are downvoting the above answer.

        This blog entry is an announcement of that release.

        Rather than copy and paste all the instructions into every release announcement, I specifically make a page with all updated information on it, including how to get o-Matic :)

        VN:F [1.9.22_1171]
        Rating: +3 (from 3 votes)
  • Well I looked back at my blog, and just realized I went live with x11rdp in my office in Jan 2013.. coming up on 2 years of running my Vet clinic almost totally linux
    I use some HP thin clients as my rdp clients (embedded win7 and cheap.. 100 bucks a station) Just stopped by to say THANK YOU and will make another donation soon
    Currently running Ubuntu 12.04 8 core processor 12 gig of memory, and have 15 stations running all day every day. They run my practice management software in a wine session over x11rdp thanks to your work and script. Figure 150 per station in cals and a ms server license etc etc, you have saved me a lot of bucks.

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    • John – seriously, thank you very much!

      It’s people like yourself that make me want to carry on :)

      It’s also good to read about your success with your set-up – looks awesome!

      Best regards


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  • Just for the record, I ran the script on a very minimal thin client booted from a memory stick into Ubuntu 14.04 desktop. Installed xfce and it all runs just dandy. (slow in this setup, but I wanted to take it to the extreme) Unity 2-d was and still is running just fine on 12.04/x11rdp shared sessions.. in both the 32 and the 64 bit flavors. Too bad they didn’t keep the drop back to 2-d option in ubuntu.. I like the look of the desktop … yeah I know overhead blah blah, but it really is a nice looking desktop.

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  • Hello, it seems mouse cursor is messed up on Ubuntu 14.04. Tried to run with MATE desktop but I think that has not much to do with it. I tried setting new_cursors=no, it’s better but still black and white. Also what do you suggest to implement language and desktop environment selector in the login view?

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    • Lauri, hi

      Looks like o-matic did its bit and installed xrdp/x11rdp on your system. Any other problems and faults you find with xrdp itself are outwith the scope of my o-matic utility :)

      For xrdp problems, you’re better off asking in the xrdp-devel mailing list, there’s a link to that on my FAQ page (link at top of site).

      You could also create an Issue on the xrdp github repository, located at : https://github.com/neutrinolabs/xrdp/issues


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  • Marko

    Hi, I have to say i really liked your program, but..
    After I have installed, it worked great for about 10 minutes, but then it just quitted.
    Now i am getting this error every time i try to log in

    *** Error in `X11rdp’: malloc(): memory corruption: 0x0000000001998850 ***

    Any clue how to solve this issue?

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    • Hi Marko,

      I think you misunderstood what X11RDP-o-Matic actually is :)

      Think of it as an alternative way of installing Xrdp. The Linux distribution you use (you didn’t mention which one it is but it’ll be based on Debian) supplies quite an old version of Xrdp. They also don’t supply any package for the X11rdp back-end X server – instead these distributions gets you to use the Xvnc back-end, because it’s easier to do.

      What my o-Matic script does is download the more up-to-date source code for Xrdp AND X11rdp, and compiles those then creates Debian packages for the system you’re using.

      In other words, both Xrdp and X11rdp – the things you’re experienceing problems with – are not my work. o-Matic is actually used by the authors of Xrdp & X11rdp as a convenient way for them to test their software.

      Your best bet is to raise an issue in the xrdp-devel mailing list – I provide a link to that in “Question 4)” on the FAQ page on my site here : http://scarygliders.net/rdp-faq/

      Alternatively you could raise an Issue on the X11rdp github repo, located here : https://github.com/neutrinolabs/xrdp/issues

      Hope this helps!


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  • Anish Hermon

    Great tool! When I try to RDP into the Linux machine, it connects then I get a black screen, then it disconnects.

    I completed an install using “sudo ./X11rdp-o-matic.sh –justdoit” on a fresh install of Linux Mint 17.1 MATE.

    Thanks for any help.

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  • Alexander


    unable to build…. as 0.8, as master branch..
    all the time fails on some steps with errors:

    glapi_x86-64.S:33533: Error: bad register name `%rax)’
    glapi_x86-64.S:33534: Error: bad register name `%r11′
    glapi_x86-64.S:33563: Error: bad register name `%rdi’
    glapi_x86-64.S:33564: Error: bad register name `%rsi’
    glapi_x86-64.S:33565: Error: bad register name `%rbp’
    glapi_x86-64.S:33567: Error: bad register name `%rbp’
    glapi_x86-64.S:33568: Error: bad register name `%rsi’
    glapi_x86-64.S:33569: Error: bad register name `%rdi’
    glapi_x86-64.S:33570: Error: bad register name `%rax)’
    glapi_x86-64.S:33571: Error: bad register name `%r11′
    make[2]: *** [glapi_x86-64.o] Error 1
    make[2]: Leaving directory `/tmp/X11RDP-o-Matic/xrdp/xorg/X11R7.6/build_dir/Mesa-7.10.3/src/mapi/glapi’
    make[1]: *** [subdirs] Error 1
    make[1]: Leaving directory `/tmp/X11RDP-o-Matic/xrdp/xorg/X11R7.6/build_dir/Mesa-7.10.3/src’
    make: *** [default] Error 1
    make: Leaving directory `/tmp/X11RDP-o-Matic/xrdp/xorg/X11R7.6/build_dir/Mesa-7.10.3′

    make failed for module Mesa-7.10.3

    error building X11rdp

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  • Alexander


    Debian chroot 7.4-4 under Synology DS713+ with DSM 5.1 Linux DiskStation 3.2.40 #5021 SMP Wed Dec 17 18:30:52 CST 2014 x86_64 GNU/Linux

    The same result with Debian 6.0.6_x86 (Virtual box image from official site)

    VA:F [1.9.22_1171]
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    • Hmm. Would I be right in saying you’re trying to compile this for a NAS then?

      I don’t know why you’d be having this trouble on the Debian VM either.

      You should ask the xrdp devs what’s going on, as this looks more like a source code/xrdp problem
      rather than with my o-matic script.

      The link to the xrdp-devel mailing list is on the FAQ page, section 4.

      Alternatively you could try making a Issue on the xrdp github repo at https://github.com/neutrinolabs/xrdp

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  • Alexander

    Yes, for NAS… I’ve found success story that it works, so decided to try my own..
    But with no success in compiling….

    I’ll try to contact xrdp developers…

    But can someone compile packages for x86_64 GNU/Linux? So I’ll try how it will work on NAS, may be it will be impossible to use and no sence for me at all….

    Thanks in advance.

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  • Alexander

    Hello again,

    finally I was provided deb packages for x86…
    I installed them,
    start RDPsesconfig.sh and selected LXDE and most lightweight, additional packages were installed

    after start /etc/init.d/xrdp

    now I can connect via windows remote desktop,
    but get message :
    connecting to sesman ip port 3350
    sesman connect ok
    sending login info to session manager, please wait…
    xrdp_mm_process_login_response: login failed

    after pressing “OK” get window,
    selected “seaman X11-drp”
    provide user and password

    have nothing for several seconds and after new window with error:
    connecting to sesman ip port 3350
    sesman connect ok
    sending login info to session manager, please wait…
    xrdp_mm_process_login_response: login successful for display 11
    started connecting
    connection problem, giving up
    some problem


    # cat /var/log/xrdp.log
    [20150124-15:15:53] [INFO ] A connection received from: port 62429
    [20150124-15:15:53] [INFO ] An established connection closed to endpoint: – socket: 10
    [20150124-15:15:53] [INFO ] An established connection closed to endpoint: NULL:NULL – socket: 9
    [20150124-15:15:53] [CORE ] WARNING: Invalid x.509 certificate path defined, default path will be used: /etc/xrdp/cert.pem
    [20150124-15:15:53] [CORE ] WARNING: Invalid x.509 certificate path defined, default path will be used: /etc/xrdp/key.pem
    [20150124-15:15:53] [DEBUG] xrdp_0000400c_wm_login_mode_event_00000001
    [20150124-15:15:53] [WARN ] local keymap file for 0x0409 found and dosen’t match built in keymap, using local keymap file
    [20150124-15:15:53] [DEBUG] returnvalue from xrdp_mm_connect 0
    [20150124-15:15:55] [INFO ] xrdp_mm_process_login_response: login failed
    [20150124-15:15:55] [DEBUG] xrdp_mm_module_cleanup
    [20150124-15:15:55] [INFO ] An established connection closed to endpoint: – socket: 13
    [20150124-15:16:39] [DEBUG] returnvalue from xrdp_mm_connect 0
    [20150124-15:16:39] [INFO ] An established connection closed to endpoint: NULL:NULL – socket: 14
    [20150124-15:16:40] [INFO ] An established connection closed to endpoint: NULL:NULL – socket: 14
    [20150124-15:16:40] [INFO ] An established connection closed to endpoint: NULL:NULL – socket: 14
    [20150124-15:16:41] [INFO ] An established connection closed to endpoint: NULL:NULL – socket: 14
    [20150124-15:16:41] [INFO ] An established connection closed to endpoint: NULL:NULL – socket: 14
    [20150124-15:16:42] [INFO ] An established connection closed to endpoint: NULL:NULL – socket: 14
    [20150124-15:16:43] [INFO ] An established connection closed to endpoint: NULL:NULL – socket: 14
    [20150124-15:16:43] [INFO ] An established connection closed to endpoint: NULL:NULL – socket: 14

    # cat /var/log/xrdp-sesman.log
    [20150124-15:15:34] [WARN ] [init:46] libscp initialized
    [20150124-15:15:34] [CORE ] starting sesman with pid 16349
    [20150124-15:15:34] [INFO ] listening…
    [20150124-15:15:53] [INFO ] A connection received from: port 37107
    [20150124-15:15:53] [INFO ] scp thread on sck 10 started successfully
    [20150124-15:15:55] [INFO ] An established connection closed to endpoint: – socket: 10
    [20150124-15:16:39] [INFO ] A connection received from: port 37143
    [20150124-15:16:39] [INFO ] scp thread on sck 10 started successfully
    [20150124-15:16:39] [INFO ] ++ created session (access granted): username alex, ip – socket: 10
    [20150124-15:16:39] [INFO ] starting X11rdp session…
    [20150124-15:16:39] [INFO ] An established connection closed to endpoint: NULL:NULL – socket: 11
    [20150124-15:16:39] [INFO ] An established connection closed to endpoint: NULL:NULL – socket: 11
    [20150124-15:16:39] [INFO ] An established connection closed to endpoint: NULL:NULL – socket: 11
    [20150124-15:16:39] [INFO ] An established connection closed to endpoint: NULL:NULL – socket: 9
    [20150124-15:16:39] [INFO ] An established connection closed to endpoint: – socket: 10
    [20150124-15:16:39] [INFO ] An established connection closed to endpoint: – socket: 10
    [20150124-12:16:39] [INFO ] X11rdp :10 -geometry 1280×800 -depth 24 -bs -ac -nolisten tcp -uds
    [20150124-15:16:49] [ERROR] X server for display 10 startup timeout
    [20150124-15:16:49] [ERROR] X server for display 10 startup timeout
    [20150124-15:16:49] [INFO ] starting xrdp-sessvc – xpid=16462 – wmpid=16461
    [20150124-12:16:49] [ERROR] another Xserver might already be active on display 10 – see log
    [20150124-12:16:49] [DEBUG] aborting connection…

    any ideas how to solve it?

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  • Kyle


    I was just wondering if there are plans for supporting the newest distros such as:
    Linux Mint 17.1
    xUbuntu 15.04 – yeah I know it’s only in Beta but…
    Debian Jessie – close to release want to make sure when time comes Wheezy with XRDP installed and working will gracefully upgrade to Jessie…
    xUbuntu 14.04 LTS

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    • Hi Kyle,

      The scripts are a bit of a hobby for me, really, and I look into updating them when “I can be bothered”, if you know what I mean. One of the reasons I bunged ’em on github was in the hope I’d get pull requests from others who are concerned with getting it running on their distro of choice. This has happened in the past, now not so much.

      My time is limited, and testing the script on many different distro versions is time consuming :)

      Perhaps if others chipped in a bit to lend a hand in keeping the scripts up to date with the latest and greatest stuff going on, that would be fantastic and may even increase my “bother” to get something done on it :)


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  • Kyle

    FYI – for Lubuntu 14.04 LTS to work with this

    in your script RDPsesconfig.sh you need to replace the “startlubuntu” with “lxsession -e LXDE -s Lubuntu”

    for everything to work.

    Thanks for your hardword and I hope this is helpful although possibly you already knew this.. :-)

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  • mp

    Hi guys,

    i have problems with x11rdp an ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS. get dubious error msg (… some problems) with win7 remote connection client. Somebody solved this problem meanwhile?

    same as aleksander:
    [20150124-15:16:39] [DEBUG] returnvalue from xrdp_mm_connect 0
    [20150124-15:16:39] [INFO ] An established connection closed to endpoint: NULL:NULL – socket: 14

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    • Hi mp,

      You’re better off asking on the xrdp-dev mailing list.

      Link to it is on the RDP FAQ page – see the link to the FAQ page a the top of this blog.


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  • Alex

    Why do you download the source of all the dependencies and complie them instead of using the packages contained on the system. I get segfaults because you compile xrdp/x11rdps against what you download but never provide those dependencies as packages. This is a terrible practice and I ask you to reconsider doing this. I’ve had to completely tear apart your script to make it a sane package that complies against the libraries my distro, Debian Wheezy, provides.

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    • Hi Alex,

      Please ask the Xrdp devs this – I use their build script which does the downloading.

      (I’m not an Xrdp dev)

      I wrote this o-matic script, but utilise the buildx.sh script.

      The reason the Xrdp Dev made the buildx.sh script do what you describe, is because the Xrdp author(s) wanted a static set of known source code in order to compile Xrdp and X11rdp.

      Frankly, I’m surprised you got segfaults on Debian Wheezy – I’ve tested my script on Wheezy extensively – in fact it was mostly written with Wheezy in mind. The script has been through several iterations in the past 2 years, and has been working as is for many hundreds if not thousands of users.

      Even more frankly, I am amazed you got Xrdp and X11rdp to compile against the Wheezy-provided packages.

      Perhaps you can make a pull request on Github, so that I can see how you modified o-matic to accomplish this feat :)

      Best regards

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  • Scheini72

    Dear Kevin,

    first of all thank you fro you effort. I just started to use it yesterday and it works. However some things are strange, which I would like share with you.

    I’m using Debian Wheezy 7.8 with systemd and used the X11RDP-o-Matic-script to compile the packages.

    After some additonal installations of Header-files, I could create the packages with
    ./X11rdp-o-matic.sh –withjpeg –withsound –withkerberos –withxrdpvr –withfreerdp –noinstall –justdoit

    For whatever reason, I could not install it with the flags “–withneutrino –withxrdpvr –withpamuserpass”.

    After creation of the packages I used the the dpkg command to install. There were two issues with it, only one I could resolve. the first one was, I had to use the command “xrdp-keygen xrdp /etc/xrdp/rsakeys.ini” to create the /etc/xrdp/rsakeys.ini files (see http://scarygliders.net/2011/09/23/install-xrdp-and-x11rdp-the-comprehensive-howto-for-ubuntu-and-debian-based-systems/comment-page-1/#comment-678). This is solved now.
    Second, unfortunately I can’t start the xrdp service correctly. I always shows me the service is “failed”.

    The funny thing, the process xrdp ist running and listening (netstats -anpe)

    Thanks for the work you do. If you would like help, I would apreciate it.

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    • Hello, and thanks for the thanks :)

      I’d need to test it again – but my time is limited, and my memory is short! I’ll need to go back and do some testing again – I’ve already got one test in the queue, which is testing against (k)ubuntu 14.xx , but haven’t even managed to get around to that yet – sorry this isn’t helpful :/

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  • Ramon

    No Luck :-(

    Starting xrdp (via systemctl): xrdp.serviceA dependency job for xrdp.service failed.

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  • Mathieu

    Hi Kevin,

    I’m trying to use X11RDP-o-Matic on Debian 8. I had problems when I tried to install it. It looks like it didn’t create all the files needed. So I had to install xrdp manually with atp-get install xrdp. As soon as I installed it it started working. I want to use Windows RDP to connect to my linux server. The Xvnc is working fine. But when I try to log in with Xrdp, I just have the gray box on a black background that says it successfully connected, but it’s stuck there. When I check the /var/log/xrdp-sesman.log, I see both type of connection and they both appear ok. My colleague was able to install it on Debian 7.8. Could it just be the version of Debian that could be causing this problem? I was hoping you might have an idea to help me solve my problem.

    Thanks in advance.

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  • John Weigandt

    Anybody here successfully using an android rdp client. I have logged into x11rdp sessions with windows, remmina/linux, ipad (remoter pro) but every andriod app I try either won’t connect, or is really flakey with it’s keyboard or mouse functions. The Microsoft android rdp app reports protocol error, several others just hang.

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  • Tim Banchi

    15.04 compatibility:

    Hi Kevin,
    first thank you very much for the scripts. To make it work in 15.04 I just had to install libtool-bin before starting your script as libtoolize is now in libtool-bin (see https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=761793)

    Also the startup scripts have to be adapted. This is explained here:

    (I was testing on ubuntu 15.04 64bit with mate desktop installed and using –justdoit)

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    • Thanks for that!

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    • Tony

      Thanks for the tip about 15.04 compatibility Tim. I edited the xrdp.service and xrdp-sesman.service files but the xrdp service still did not start. Ended up deleting bot files from /lib/systemd/system and it worked! I’m using xubuntu BTW, not sure if it’s any different than Ubuntu in regards to this install.

      Many thanks Kevin for the X11RDP-o-Matic install as this fixed my copy/paste issue between client and host using RDP which was driving me crazy.

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  • Greg Guilmette

    XRDP-o-Matic works great!

    On an Ubuntu 12.04 I can connect to X11RDP or VNC without any issues once I’m connected. The interesting thing at the initial XRDP session login is the fonts. all “M” and “W” characters show a subscript or superscript “rt” in their place.

    It’s all funtional, but looks odd with the missing “M” and “W”s at the login box.



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  • Dityo

    How to remove/uninstall x11rdp-o-matic from my system? I didn’t found any information about it.

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    • You remove xrdp and x11rdp, which are the two packages that the o-matic script produces and installs.

      To remove the X11rdp-oMatic script, just remove the X11RDP-o-Matic directory – you may need to sudo/su to root to remove it.

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  • Jérémy

    Hey !

    I have a problem installing your great tool on my Debian 7.8 (Wheezy). After the git clone, I launch the X11rdp-o-matic.sh script but I’m blocked during the process. I get the following error :

    /***** BEGINNING ERROR *****/
    checking for XDAMAGE… configure: error: Package requirements (damageproto >= 1.1 xfixes fixesproto xextproto x11) were not met:

    No package ‘xfixes’ found
    No package ‘fixesproto’ found

    Consider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if you
    installed software in a non-standard prefix.

    Alternatively, you may set the environment variables XDAMAGE_CFLAGS
    and XDAMAGE_LIBS to avoid the need to call pkg-config.
    See the pkg-config man page for more details

    configuration failed for module libXdamage-1.1.3
    error building X11rdp
    /***** ENDING ERROR *****/

    I try to configure my PKG_CONFIG_PATH but it doesn’t work :( Do you have any solution for me please ?


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  • Carsten

    Great tool!

    Try to push this debian and ubuntu official repo.
    Without this x11rdp is pretty useless.

    Thanks for you hard work.

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  • cmcanulty

    OMG! I have been struggling with a secure remote for xubuntu for a year and this just works. I could never get it to work from xrdp in the repository. I run 17 xubuntu 14.04s at our local library, thanks so much! Will we be contacted when there are updates?

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    • Glad that worked for you :)

      I haven’t updated the script for ages. But keep an eye on the repo at github, link in the o-matic page.

      If I ever get the will, I’ll update the script.

      But XRDP gets updated quite often, and re-running the script should update to whatever xrdp’s been updated with.


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  • Andy

    I installed this on Lubuntu 14.04 and RDPsesconfig.sh set command in .xsession to ‘startlubuntu’. It should be ‘lxsession -e LXDE -s Lubuntu’ instead. Not sure if this is the same in more recent versions.

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  • Hello,

    First. Thanks for compiling in just one installer the myriad of work necessary to get xrdp working with ubuntu 14.04.

    Then, we are experiencing an issue with the the sensitivity of vertical scrolling with trackpad or scroll wheel, both. When you try to scroll if you go really slow nothing happens until suddenly it scrolls several lines. Any attempt to scroll-as-usual results in scrolling jumps giving the feeling that the scrolling speed is too fast. Any feedback on how to tweak it?

    – Nestor

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    • Any problems with the use of XRDP itself, should go to the xrdp-devel mailing list – as the developers of xrdp (of whom I am not one :) ) need this kind of feedback or questions, just in case it’s a problem introduced by some of their development work, or it’s a new problem never before encountered.

      I have provided a link to the xrdp-devel list in the RDP FAQ page – link at the top menu of this site.


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  • Nigel Hathaway

    Ubuntu 15.10 (Ubuntu Mate 15.10 in my case) fails to build / install properly. In the packages directory there is a x11rdp_0.9.0+master-1_amd64.deb in one directory, but the xrdp directory is empty. Also no config or startup files are deployed to /etc.

    It seems to go wrong on the very last bit:

    Preparation complete. Building and packaging xrdp…
    dpkg-buildpackage: warning: using a gain-root-command while being root
    dpkg-buildpackage: error: gain-root-commmand ‘fakeroot’ not found
    mv: cannot stat ‘xrdp*.deb’: No such file or directory
    ./X11rdp-o-matic.sh: line 993: /etc/init.d/xrdp: No such file or directory
    dpkg: error processing archive /home/nigel/Projects/X11RDP-o-Matic/packages/Xorg/*.deb (–install):
    cannot access archive: No such file or directory
    Errors were encountered while processing:
    dpkg: error processing archive /home/nigel/Projects/X11RDP-o-Matic/packages/xrdp/xrdp*.deb (–install):
    cannot access archive: No such file or directory
    Errors were encountered while processing:
    X11rdp and xrdp should now be fully installed, configured, and running on this system.
    One last thing to do now is to configure which desktop will be presented to the user after they log in via RDP.
    You may not have to do this – test by logging into xrdp now.
    Or use the RDPsesconfig.sh utility to configure a session’s desktop.

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    • Nigel Hathaway

      I also get this early on, though the build proceeds anyway:

      Package automake1.9 is not available, but is referred to by another package.
      This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or
      is only available from another source

      E: Package ‘automake1.9’ has no installation candidate

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      • Nigel Hathaway

        Installing fakeroot manually (sudo apt-get install fakeroot) got it past that error, and now both .debs are there.

        Now I just get this:

        ./X11rdp-o-matic.sh: line 993: /etc/init.d/xrdp: No such file or directory
        dpkg: error processing archive /home/nigel/Projects/X11RDP-o-Matic/packages/Xorg/*.deb (–install):
        cannot access archive: No such file or directory
        Errors were encountered while processing:
        A dependency job for xrdp.service failed. See ‘journalctl -xe’ for details.

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        • Nigel Hathaway

          I do in fact have it running now. I had to install the .deb packages manually (dpkg -i …). I tried enabling the init.d scripts in the usual way, but Ubuntu seems to not like this, and doesn’t like the fact that xrpd-sesman is started from the same script as xrdp. So I started both xrdp and xrdp-sesman manually, and tried to connect. I then found that /etc/xrdp/rsakeys didn’t exist (which normally gets created by /etc/init.d/xrdp on first run) was missing, so I created this manually.

          So my guess is that there are going to need to be tweaks both to the upstream xrdp stuff and to the x11rdp-o-matic script. For me, I will need to work out what to change in the init script department so I don’t have to start the components manually.

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        • I haven’t looked at o-matic for over a year now – the last release was on March 19th 2014. If you only knew just how much time and effort it took to keep up with every new release of a Linux Distribution – of which there are lots. Lots and lots and lots. :)

          If maintaining o-matic – spending hours/days testing it on every new version of Linux – was something which paid my bills and fed my family, I’d be all over it. Unfortunately, reality deems this impossible.

          I’m sorry you’re having problems with Ubuntu 15.something, though.


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  • vrvz

    x11rdp-o-matic-version-3-10 is really nice but it will mess up your mint 17.2 mate mintmenu, However i got it working on lubuntu 14.04 and 15.04. But I would prefer mint!

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  • vrvz

    I found a solution for my mint17.2 mate. mintmenu is disabled because of some permission issues.
    First time when I log in remotely over xrdp after restart .Xauthority file from home folder gets deleted and after that you can’t open “software manager” and many other applications.
    Solution is to create empty .Xauthortiy file to home dir and run these commands as currently logged in user

    touch ~/.Xauthority
    chmod 600 ~/.Xauthority

    I hope it helps others also

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  • Paulo Coelho

    Hi Kevin, first of all congratulations on your work!

    Unfortunately I’m having an issue compiling X11rdp. It stops at step 62 (processing module xorg-server-1.9.3 (62 of 102)) with:

    checking for DRI… no
    configure: error: Package requirements (glproto >= 1.4.10 dri >= 7.8.0) were not met:

    Package ‘dri’ requires ‘libdrm >= 2.4.38’ but version of libdrm is 2.4.26

    Consider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if you
    installed software in a non-standard prefix.

    Alternatively, you may set the environment variables DRI_CFLAGS
    and DRI_LIBS to avoid the need to call pkg-config.
    See the pkg-config man page for more details.
    configuration failed for module xorg-server-1.9.3
    error building X11rdp

    I’m running this on a Debian 8.2 (Jessie) based distro (Armbian) on an ARMv7 board (Banana Pi). I’ve installed LXDE/Openbox. I’m a relatively Linux newbie, so I’m a bit lost on this. I read the previous comments and there was a similar situation in the past, but it didn’t help. I’ve run the manual process successfully (had to make changes in 2 files though), but LXDE stopped working, though I don’t know if it was due to the compilation/installation or something else I did. However, it appears to be an older version of X11rdp and I’m not sure if it would work here. I’ll try anyway..

    Anyway, can you help on this?
    Thanks any way!!

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  • BuTbka

    Hi Kevin, big thanks for your work!
    Are you plannig to make script for armhf distr?
    I am using Ubuntu MATE for the Raspberry Pi 2.

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    • Have you tried running it on your Pi?

      I’ve tried it on my Raspberry Pi a year or so ago and it did work – slowly ;)

      I have no plans to do any more work on this script due to losing interest in all things RDP on linux. I have, however, given commit access on github to a couple of the XRDP developers who have already merged pull requests to improve the script, so it is still being maintained and improved upon.


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  • Oleg

    Please, help!
    I’m new to Linux and I want to rdp my Ubuntu machine from a Windows 7 machine.
    So ran X11RDP-o-Matic Version 3 (not 3.10 as I had not noticed it). All installations completed successfully and I rebooted. But I still cannot connect! Looks like no listener on the rdp-port. Command
    ps –ela does lot list xrdp process nor it lists x11rdp.
    How do I get it work? Thank you.

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  • Anil K.

    X11rdp not support ubuntu Server 15 and 16 install properly but not able to access RDP

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