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A brief guide to PolicyKit

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Like the title suggests, this will be relatively brief – mostly because Policykit isn’t as difficult to understand as I originally led myself to believe.

It all sprang from starting to write about how to get X11rdp/xrdp up and running on your Linux systems. Sure, getting the desktop up

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xrdp authentication with Active Directory

A couple of readers asked how they could get xrdp to authenticate with Active Directory.

Here's how…  ;)

Prerequisites I assume your xrdp server already has either the Likewise/Likewise-Open or as it's now known by,  PowerBroker Identity Services I assume that your xrdp server

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The Scarygliders X11rdp-O-Matic and RDPsesconfig : v1.1 released, V2 now available


Note : Version 1.x, 2.x are now deprecated in favour of v3.0 which contains fixes and additional changes, plus creates Debian packages. v3 is out now and is a vast improvment.




Article first published on May 23, 2012 @ 8:17

UPDATE : June 17, 2012

Changelog :

Added important note about Policykit – see

Continue reading The Scarygliders X11rdp-O-Matic and RDPsesconfig : v1.1 released, V2 now available

Get audio with your xrdp/x11rdp connections, LAN or Remote! Updated! Windows Clients!

Okay so I did a bit of research, and found a method of forwarding audio from your remote RDP Linux desktops.

The methods work for RDP connections on your local LAN, and also for connections to remote systems via ssh tunnels.

Here's how…

2012-04-19 Article Updated


Added a section for how

Continue reading Get audio with your xrdp/x11rdp connections, LAN or Remote! Updated! Windows Clients!

ssh – Secure your systems with ssh on Linux and puTTY on Windows – Part 1

This will be a multi-part series on SSH

This is Part 1

Say you have a workstation or server, safely sitting behind a firewall, but you need access, for example, to the shiny RDP service you installed not so long ago, and/or other services on that system.

You could easily forward the RDP

Continue reading ssh – Secure your systems with ssh on Linux and puTTY on Windows – Part 1

QuickTips : Stop apt downloading Translations Indexes

I’ve noticed that recently, Debian-based distributions seem to be attempting to download a bazillion Translations Indexes from their repositories. Most of the these attempts seem to be either ignored, or fail, and sometimes it even seems to slow down the update download itself, presumably because it takes time for the repository server to time out

Continue reading QuickTips : Stop apt downloading Translations Indexes

How to install and multi-boot between Windows, and Debian Testing with full disk encryption



Lets say you have a laptop or a netbook which you take with you everywhere, and on which you keep sensitive information. (Lets even say you have a home computer with sensitive information.)

You don’t have to be a secret agent or a crook to have sensitive information. Everyone has sensitive information!


Continue reading How to install and multi-boot between Windows, and Debian Testing with full disk encryption

Customize Xterm, the original and best terminal…

There’s all sorts of terminal emulators available these days.

Most of the “modern” ones, like gnome-terminal for example, have lots of whiz-bang features like menu-driven customization, background picture or transparency, setting the font used, and so on.

The thing is, all these nice features introduce their own problems, the biggest one for me is BLOAT.

Continue reading Customize Xterm, the original and best terminal…

X11rdp, Ubuntu 11.10, Gnome 3, xrdp customization – New Hotness! Updated!

Note : this tutorial is getting really old now and Distributions have moved on a lot since Ubuntu 11.10! Use X11RDP-o-Matic instead.



This is a followup to my original article, “Install xrdp and X11rdp – the comprehensive HOWTO for Ubuntu and Debian based systems“. In

Continue reading X11rdp, Ubuntu 11.10, Gnome 3, xrdp customization – New Hotness! Updated!

VirtualBox and iSCSI / NAS How-To – Linux and Windows

I have a NAS. It’s a nice NAS. It’s a QNAP TurboNAS TS-419P, and it’s just what I need for my SOHO setup.

Amongst many other things it can do, it can allow me to use its RAID array as iSCSI targets.

VirtualBox is also great. It can use iSCSI targets as storage devices, and

Continue reading VirtualBox and iSCSI / NAS How-To – Linux and Windows